原标题:好消息:VFS Global北京部分签证申请中心恢复运营!
来源:VFS Global
VFS Global北京部分签证申请中心恢复运营!
自2022年12月6日起,VFS Global位于北京的瑞士签证申请中心将恢复运营!
自2022年12月7日起,VFS Global位于北京的挪威、瑞典、冰岛、乌克兰签证申请中心将恢复运营!
如需了解最新消息,请关注VFS Global官方网站:https://www.vfsglobal.cn/。
- 签证申请中心地址:北京市朝阳区光华路7号汉威大厦3层A306室

VFS Global Visa Application Centres in Beijing will Reopen!
From 6th December 2022, the Switzerland Visa Application Centre in Beijing will resume operations。
From 7th December 2022, the Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Ukraine Visa Application Centres in Beijing will resume operations。
Please follow local pandemic prevention and control regulations during the application process。 If you have a green Beijing health code and a nucleic acid test taken within 48 hours before visiting the visa application centres, you may attend the building wearing a face mask。 Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
For the latest information, please visit our website: https://www.vfsglobal.com。
- Address of reopening visa application centres: Room A306, 3rd Floor, Hanwei Plaza, No.7 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
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