
组图:世界前50最奇特建筑 “鸟巢”入围(11)

http://travel.sina.com.cn  2008年12月31日10:35  环球在线

41.Pickle Barrel House (Grand Marais, Michigan)

41.Pickle Barrel House (Grand Marais, Michigan)

42. The Egg (Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, United States)

42. The Egg (Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, United States)

43. Gherkin Building (London City, UK)

43. Gherkin Building (London City, UK)

44. Nord LB building (Hannover, Germany)

44. Nord LB building (Hannover, Germany)

更多关于 建筑 奇特 鸟巢 的新闻

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